I'm sure many of you reading this will feel the same way, massively passionate about photography but juggling many other 'life responsibilities' work, families, friends etc. and finding the time to shoot as often as possible becoming increasingly difficult. Even if a small window opens and a little time becomes free, finding even the energy once the responsibilities of the day have been taken care of can still be tough.
All that said, for the month of September I'm going to try to shoot and post/upload an image a day. I'm going to do my very best not to post anything substandard and never miss a day but we'll see how this plays out... this may just be an unrealistic target.
Photography, like any other skill requires practice, it's like learning an instrument, you can't just occasionally pick up a guitar and expect to play face-melting riffs, likewise, you can't expect to occasionally pick up your camera and take fantastic photos, no matter what level you're at, practice is key and September is my month of intense practice sessions. I'm hoping the resulting images will be interesting and worth looking at but I'm also hoping that I'll show some improvement and learn something new every day too.
I just liked how this crusty and original Series 1 Land Rover looked (plus it has the same SRH license initials as my marginally more recent Land Rover!) Not the best photo ever, taken more for my fondness of Land Rover's but an ok start to my September challenge.