Title: Growing
Client: Gareth Brindle Jones
A short film about masculinity, insecurity and identity – a collaboration with artist Gareth Brindle Jones www.brindleart.com
The show at the Ucheldre Centre contained paintings, photographs, digital compositions and installations which centre around the film.
Essentially the film and exhibition are about identity – the central character, Joe, is dissatisfied with his life. He thinks the answer to his happiness lies in a beard and the identity and masculinity it might provide. Sadly for him it’s not such a quick or easy task to grow a beard. He searches out tricks and shortcuts to rapid growth. He tries using the techniques he spots along the route to work one day. These ingredients become part of his everyday life. Joe becomes dependent on the emotional crutches used by many of us each day in trying to find happiness and identity, food, drink and cigarettes.