Street photography is incredibly popular at the moment, I guess everyone who owns a smartphone is technically a street photographer but even amongst the 'proper' street photographers, those making a living from it, the quality and depth of images varies wildly. Some say that street images should have a deeper meaning, a social message or commentary or an interesting observation on the human condition and our life experiences in shared spaces. The alternate view is that a street photography can be simply a pleasing image, the classic or clichéd collective description of which is 'a yellow hat against a blue wall'.
I think I probably sit somewhere in the middle, I enjoy seeing thought provoking and challenging images but I can also appreciate the simple aesthetic of a shot with nothing more than a clashing colour or well timed play against a store window display or advertising billboard. The shot below was too much of a gift not to take... no social commentary, no clever message... no satire... no deeper meaning, just red wall, red bag, purple wall, purple scarf...
Red and purple...